

Empty Nesters Delight

There’s nothing more satisfying and heart-warming to work with clients on multiple projects. I consider myself so fortunate to have met and worked with my Cremorne clients.

The first time, I completed a full renovation of their then Mosman federation home back in 2007.

This wonderful couple trusted me implicitly. As a designer, it’s one of the best feelings when clients are so willing to take on and run with your ideas. Getting to know your clients and forge lifetime friendships is an absolute privilege.

So, in 2019 Ken and Pip, now empty-nesters, contacted me to help them with their brand-new abode.

A considerable departure from their very traditional style that they’d left in Mosman. They wanted a new look. A complete departure, to a simple, sleek, and comfortable look, yet with an on-trend, but timeless feel.

I’m so lucky to have worked with these amazing people.


Interested in Working Together?

Jane Thomson is available for projects in Sydney and most of Australia.

Get in Touch